Thursday, July 29, 2010

What guys like.

Yooooo Bloggie. XD Long time no err.. write. Anyways this past few weeks have been really great. Hehe, don't worry emo boy is not back. I'm thinking he's disappeared for a while for now. Haha. Anyway, here's something I found which was pretty interesting from google. It's called "What guys like." Haha.. After I read it, I found most of the things said was pretty true. I'll simplify some of it so that it won't be too long. XD Here goes:

1.) Guys like girls who are communicative and doesn't give one liners.
Ex: Guy: How was your day today?
Girl: It was great! Today I went shopping with my...etc etc.

This is what guys like. They can talk more with the girl.

Ex: Guy: How was your day today?
Girl: It was okay. Haha. Silence*

This is what guys do not like. How are the guys supposed to continue the conversation when
girls end with a haha? (Definitely true)

2.) Guys like girls who are caring.
Ex: Guy does not come to school on that day. Girl calls or smses him after school to ask if he's

This is what guys think of as caring. They'll feel really happy if a girl does this. (I agree)

Ex: Guy does not come to school on that day. Girl doesn't even asks how he is until the guy
speaks with her.

Guys dislike this. It's not cheap if a girl talks to a guy first once in a while. It's caring. (I like
the writer. XD)

3.) Guys like girls who smile.
Ex: Guy walks by a girl he likes. Girl smiles while walking by.

Guys definitely like this. It shows that the girl is friendly and not some stuck up girl. (Sort of
true I guess)

Ex: Guy walks by a girl he likes. Girl walks by as if guy doesn't exist.

Guys dislike this. This will make them feel invisible.

4.) Guys like girls who are funny. Doesn't matter if they're lame or not.
Ex: Girls tells a lame joke. Guy and girl have a good laugh over how lame the joke is.

Guys have a sense of humor too. Don't be embarrassed to crack a joke.

Ex: Girl talks normally. Normal conversation.

Nothing wrong with talking normally. But why have a normal conversation when you can
have a fun conversation once in a while? (So true)

5.) Guys like girls who opens up to them.
Ex: Girl feels sad. Guy asks why she's sad. Girl tells guy why she's sad.

Guys like this. They'll feel like the girl trusts them enough to open up to them. (Ding ding*

Ex: Girl feels sad. Guy asks why she's sad. She says it's nothing.

Guys will feel like they're not trusted or needed. = bad.

6.) Guys like girls who can make decisions and straight answers.
Ex: Guy: Do you like me?
Girl: No I don't. You're just not my type.

Not so good for the guy but at least the pain is quick and swift.

Ex: Guy: Do you like me?
Girl: Erm... well... could I tell you in a week's time?

Guys really do not like this. That whole week will be an agonizing and slow torture for the
guy. (Yeap. Better to suicide XD)

7.) Guys like girls who shows emotions.
Ex: Girl: I feel sad because you keep ignoring me.
Guy: In his head (OMG! She actually has feelings!). Sorry I was just really busy. I'll make
it up to you.

Guys feels happy if a girl shows her emotions once in a while. Better understanding between
them. (I agree. Guys are not psychic.)

Ex: Girl: Acts like nothing is happening but deep down feels sad.*
Guy: In his head*(Aww look at her all happy and stuff.)

Guys do not like this. They are unable to read the girl's mind and think that everything is

8.) Guys like girls who can give surprises once in a while.
Ex: Girl suddenly calls guy and ask how is he doing. Guy feels really happy and his whole day
feels all bright and happy.

This is a good way to keep the sparkle in a relationship. Guys like surprises too. (Amen to

Ex: Girl doesn't do anything special. Guy feels slightly bored.

Guy can't always be the one entertaining the girls 24-7. Give and take is better than one
always taking. (Aye aye.)

Well that's all I can write for today. Off to jogging now. Hehe. To all the guys out there I hope what I wrote was true. To all the girls.... you could learn something from this.

P.S: Everything that was written above is researched from google and does not apply to any specific person and was not intended to offend girls or guys. It is NOT based on my personal experience. Purely from GOOGLE. (Some of it may be true or false but it's really based on an individual's perspective.)

Haha. Well cya Bloggie. Till next time. Plkk08 signing off~~ Oh and I'm awesome. XD

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